Redeemed Legacy Movie Review: Barbie Movie Hits $155m at the Box Office! barbiemovie biblicalworldview imactingforjesus jesusislord redeemedlegacy Jul 26, 2023

Many women are attending the Barbie movie with their young girls or girlfriends as a pink dress up girls night for lighthearted fun and nostalgic memories of their youth, only to be slapped in the face with a different experience of a Barbie self-centered world with a lot of Ken bashing.

Todd at attended a showing of the Barbie movie so that he could give his personal opinion, not swayed by other reviewer opinions. Jesus is Lord over all things, therefore, our...

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Christians Can Quit or Fight - Pastor Mark Driscoll & Sean Feucht holdtheline holyboldness jesusislord letusworship pastormarkdriscoll seanfeucht standforjesus Apr 19, 2023

Sean Feucht and Pastor Mark Driscoll discuss standing strong for your Faith in a world gone crazy. We are the light in the darkness. There is a walking away from the strength of Jesus as the church demasculinizes itself into conformity to the world's social standards, not God's Biblical standards. Christians will either quit or fight. We cannot be afraid to stand for God's Word, His creation, His image in us on this earth. We need to rise up and speak the Truth. 


Two years ago...

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Having Hope in the Storm - Prayer, Praise, Speaking In Jesus Name! godneverfails godspromises injesusname jesusislord praise prayer speakgodsword thecross Apr 12, 2023

There is no doubt that Satan wants us to be defeated. He hates anything on earth that reflects the image of God. Therefore, when we have made a decision to follow Jesus and have surrendered our self-centered, "I am my own god" life who is following "my own truth" at the cross, then we have made ourselves an enemy of all the demons on earth.

What do we do when we face such an adversary? Can we face him alone without Jesus, without the Power and Authority in His Name? Do we go off silently and...

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Worship Leader & Songwriter John Weeded Emergency Lung Transplant GoFundMe Established broken easter2023 godofmiracles jacksonville jesussaves johnweeden lungtransplant mayoclinic orlando prayforjohnweeden resurection Apr 11, 2023

2023-04-11 Written by Co-Founder Todd Catella

My friend John Weeden is a worship leader, songwriter, music producer, and committed Christ Follower. We have been on the Discovery Church Orlando worship team together for years in the past. He plays multiple instruments, mainly piano, guitar and sings on the worship team. In 2022 he sang and produced this song, Broken, under the Rhymes With Sweden name on YouTube.

This song tells the story of Jesus from His crucifixion to His...

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God's Promises #10 Scripture Reading with Transcript Links (59-1:06) christiangrowth godspromises jesusistheanswer readgodsword redeemedlegacy riversinthedesert scripturereading Apr 10, 2023

Rivers In The Desert YouTube Channel is worth subscribing to for relaxing music with scripture reading to sooth your mind, soul and Spirit. In this post we have looked up the verses from minute 59:38 to 1:06:10 from the God's Promises video which is read in the NIV (New International Version). You will find the links in this post for you to read, explore and think about.

Click image to go to play this YouTube video 
This week start the video at 59:38 to...

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Easter 2023 - He Is Risen - Remembrances in Music charliedaniels davidphelps donfrancisco easter2023 eastersong guypenrod heisrisen jesussaves keithgreen ourredeemerlives redeemedlegacy thechosen tiffanycoburn Apr 09, 2023

There are two primary holidays Americans go to church, Christmas and Easter. For the most part, our nation has forgotten God, ignored God, decided to become their own gods with their own "truth" who do not want to answer to God's authority. This goes beyond questioning authority. It is a war on Biblical values. 

Americans like Easter egg hunts, Easter candy, the Easter Bunny. They celebrate Spring with vibrant colors and flowery images. They celebrate community gatherings in "churches"...

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Resurrection Weekend 2023 - Preparing Our Hearts to Receive Jesus andrewbocelli cecewinans easter2023 letusworship redeemedlegacy resurectionsunday seanfeucht tbn Apr 08, 2023

This Resurrection Weekend 2023! Are we focusing on Jesus? Are we listening in our Spirit to be impacted by the Holy Spirit who was sent by Jesus to meet us where we are today?

We cannot clean up our life enough to be acceptable to God. We will come to Jesus as we are, imperfect in our humanity in need of a Savior, a Redeemer, a Restorer of our Soul.

Jesus lived a perfect life as the Son of God who was sent to live among us as a teacher so we would come to know God's Plan for our relational...

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Life Begins After the Cross - I Was Blind, Now I See jesusdiedforus thecross Apr 07, 2023

As we reflect on Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified on the cross, we recall religious leaders of His day turned Him over to the governmental authorities to execute Him for what they proclaimed was blasphemy to their interpretation of the old testament scriptures, He had the audacity to proclaim He was the Son of God. He spoke the Truth as prophesized in the scriptures, but their desire to maintain their power blinded them to the Spirit in God's Word.

God gave many prophesies over...

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Sean Feucht and CAMP ELAH Is Shaking Washington D.C. Up For Jesus! brandonharder campelah holdtheline jesusislord kristinaharder letusworship seanfeucht washingtondc Apr 06, 2023

For over 10 years God had planted a young couple in Washington D.C to do His work. Brandon and Kristina Harder are being used by God to shake the Capital of the United States for Jesus by bringing D.C. Staff members together for weekly prayer breakfasts. Brandon is currently the Chief of Staff for Rep. Tracy Mann from Kansas. Here how "CAMP ELAH" came about in his words:


Brandon and Kristina Harder share the behind the scenes impacts God is having on the D.C. Congressional...

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Lance Wallnau - Is Jesus Returning as a Lover or a Warrior? baptizedintheholyspirit easter2023 filledwiththeholyspirit fireandglorytour jesusiscoming jesusisreturning lancewallnau mariomurillo resurection revivalinamerica Apr 05, 2023

Lance Wallnau shares a message challenging our beliefs that Jesus is only a lover of humanity. Jesus will be returning with the Authority given to Him by His Father (God) in the Full Power of the Holy Spirit to throw out demonic spirits that are filled with lies, deception, misdirection that enslaves us to their control. There will be a shaking in the world that has never been seen before.

Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, who are listening to the leading...

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Palm Sunday - Pastor John Lefebvre - Stay Connected to the Vine
Palm Sunday - Pastor John Lefebvre - Stay Connected to the Vine Apr 03, 2023

Pastor John Lefebvre was a Guest Speaker at Real Life Orlando which is an associated satellite church of Real Life Clermont headed by Pastor Justin Miller.

Shirley and I attended the RL Orlando campus for the first time as a guest in support of a young Discover Church worship team couple who was starting at Real Life Orlando. We met  RL-Orlando Pastor Mike Gonzales and his wife, Stephanie who were very welcoming. We also met Pastor John's wife Andrea who was very nice. The 10 AM...

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God's Promises #9 Scripture Reading with Transcript Links (53-60) christiangrowth godspromises jesusistheanswer readgodsword redeemedlegacy reiversinthedesert scripturereading Apr 02, 2023

Rivers In The Desert YouTube Channel is worth subscribing to for relaxing music with scripture reading to sooth your mind, soul and Spirit. In this post we have looked up the verses from minute 53:05 to 59:38 from the God's Promises video which is read in the NIV (New International Version). You will find the links in this post for you to read, explore and think about.

Click image to go to play this YouTube video 
This week start the video at 53:05 to...

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Pastor Jack Gibbs: Having an Biblical World View Influences a Generation biblicalvalues biblicalworldview charliekirk covenantschool jessicatapia jesusrevolution jesussaves kirkcameron nashville pastorjackhibbs prayforamerica prayforrevival spiritualwarfare tennesseechristianschoolshooting tpusafaith Apr 01, 2023

Pastor Jack Hibbs history goes way back to the Jesus Revolution with Pastor Chuck Smith. He is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills California as well as the Founder of Real Life Ministries and a Nationally syndicated TV and radio program that is influencing today's generation for Jesus. 

In this interview with Kirk Cameron Pastor Jack shares the importance of having a Biblical World View.

Turning Point USA Faith's Founder Charlie Kirk and Pastor Jack Gibbs...

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2023-03-31 Glenn Beck Calls On America to Humble Ourselves Before God Mar 31, 2023

This is not a political post. It is a Spiritual Battle post calling on Christians to pray for our nation.

Today's blog post will only be on this specific Glenn Beck radio clip with the transcript, it is that important. Please prayerfully consider what he is saying and pray for our nation like you never have before, humbling yourself before the Lord God.

Today, Glenn Beck had a radio segment that was heart felt, and deeply connected to a message for America to humble ourselves before God and...

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Pat Boone: An American Icon Impacting the World for Jesus! eternalchoices familyvalues glennbeck imactingforjesus newsmax patboone secondchances takingamulligan themulliganmovie Mar 30, 2023

Pat Boone  has been a beloved entertainer for 70 years. His Christian testimony, wholesome family values have followed him in the career decisions he made throughout his life as a an unshakeable moral compass for 3 generations. He is still working at age 87 with his most recent movie "The Mulligan" which tells the story of having second chances, a do-over. As we get older we look to those moral icons whose life has made an impact for God and His Redeemed Legacy.

 American Icon Pat...

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Sheila Walsh Discusses Prayer, God's Will and the Holy Spirit baptizedintheholyspirit clinicaldepression godanswersprayer godneverfails holyspirit jesussaves overcomingdepression sheilawalsh Mar 29, 2023

Sheila Walsh's life saw a rise to success in her Christian music career in the early 80's from the struggles of family poverty and the tragedy of her father committing suicide when she was a 5 years old little girl. Later in life she experienced clinical depression that has enabled her develop a closer walk with Jesus.  Here are several videos that will help you to connect to her message and current ministry serving those that are mentally struggling as a Christian. As she says...

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Dennis Prager & Kirk Cameron - Our Education System Is Failing America americanchurch communism dennisprager foundingfathers freedom kirkcameron socialism theconstitution Mar 28, 2023

Dennis Prager of Prager University (PragerU) educates us with with logic and reason. His voice in America today justifies why we need God, the Bible, reason, logic and common sense which produces a solid moral character. His teaching resists the Left, socialism and a WOKE Cancel Culture. He may me soft spoken, but, his values produce a rock solid foundation we can build on.


Dennis Prager's Fireside Chat #272 Who are we morally accountable to ourselves or God?


Dennis Prager...

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Sean Feucht - Let Us Worship - Hold The Line - Jesus Revolution 2.0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 holdtheline jesusrevolution jesusrevolution2 letusworship revivalinamerica seanfeucht Mar 27, 2023

Sean Feucht is the son of missionaries and a Christian songwriter/worship leader who burst on the national scene after he ran for Congress in California's District 3 (San Francisco) and lost on November 3rd, 2020, the year of COVID19 lockdowns. Sean refused to allow California Governor Newsom to silence the church with lockdowns, which birthed the "Let Us Worship" movement taking worship of God and Jesus boldly to outdoor non-traditional venues like the bridge over San Francisco. Today the...

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God's Promises #8 Scripture Reading with Transcript Links (46-53) christiangrowth godspromises jesusistheanswer readgodsword redeemedlegacy riversinthedesert scripturereading Mar 26, 2023

Rivers In The Desert YouTube Channel is worth subscribing to for relaxing music with scripture reading to sooth your mind, soul and Spirit. In this post we have looked up the verses from minute 45:46 to 53:02 from the God's Promises video which is read in the NIV (New International Version). You will find the links in this post for you to read, explore and think about.

Click image to go to play this YouTube video 
This week start the video at 45:46 to...

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The Father, Son and Holy Spirit Are One With Authority Over All Things! baptizedintheholyspirit christianity christisrisen godofcreation holyspirit jesusislord pastorgreglaurie pastorjentezenfranklin pastortonyevans redeemedlegacy resurection thecomfortor thecomfortorwillcome Mar 23, 2023

The Holy Spirit is not some mystical imaginary ghost with no substance, no meaning, no purpose! There is a prince of this world that roams around like a roaring lion seeking who he can destroy, however, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE with Authority over all creation!

Todd Catella (Co-Founder of


Pastor Tony Evans - The Helper

Pastor Jentezen Franklin - Ask, Seek & Knock and the Holy Spirit will be with you.


Pastor Greg Laurie's...

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