Pat Boone: An American Icon Impacting the World for Jesus!

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Pat Boone  has been a beloved entertainer for 70 years. His Christian testimony, wholesome family values have followed him in the career decisions he made throughout his life as a an unshakeable moral compass for 3 generations. He is still working at age 87 with his most recent movie "The Mulligan" which tells the story of having second chances, a do-over. As we get older we look to those moral icons whose life has made an impact for God and His Redeemed Legacy.

 American Icon Pat Boone is interviewed by Mike Huckabee a month ago to discuss his newest book, "If: The Eternal Choice We All Must Make" that encourages this generation to make a decision for Jesus Christ.




You should see Pat Boone's most recent movie project, "The Mulligan" that tells the inspiring modern day parable of second chances Co-written by Ken Blanchard and Wally Armstong.


Watch "The Mulligan Movie" for Free on YouTube Movies
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