2023-03-31 Glenn Beck Calls On America to Humble Ourselves Before God

Mar 31, 2023

This is not a political post. It is a Spiritual Battle post calling on Christians to pray for our nation.

Today's blog post will only be on this specific Glenn Beck radio clip with the transcript, it is that important. Please prayerfully consider what he is saying and pray for our nation like you never have before, humbling yourself before the Lord God.

Today, Glenn Beck had a radio segment that was heart felt, and deeply connected to a message for America to humble ourselves before God and allow Him to tear down the evil strongholds that are warring against Him. We are in a Spiritual battle that will only be won by allowing God to move before us, just as He did when He parted the Red Sea bringing Israel to freedom. Glenn also mentions the impatient grumbling the freed Israelites had against God as they wanted to take control in their own hands. God destroyed those who did not trust Him and follow Him. We want to be on the side of Almighty God in every battle we face. 


Glenn Beck Radio Broadcast Segment
2023-03-31 Transcript:

"This little, simple microphone that sits in front of me and has sat in front of me almost every day since I was 13-14 years old has been my best friend in ways because you are. You don't understand how important you are in my life. I feel like I know you and I when I meet people they say it's like you're my best friend. It's like an old friend that we've been together for years and you have me at a disadvantage because you know everything about my life if you're a long time listener you know the names of my children. You remember when I adopted my son. You know my dog's name and I know nothing about you it seems, but that's not true. I know you because I know, I know your values. We're like-minded and honestly we are just searching for those things that are true, those things that bring happiness, those three things that bring meaning.

I've lived a life of no meaning. I lived a life where I was worshiping the gods of America, Fortune, Fame, and it was meaningless and empty and I drank my way through it.

My mother, when she died I was 15 years old she committed suicide she was an alcoholic. She was addicted to prescription drugs in a time when nobody ever talked about that and I hit a place in my life where I was about to do the same thing and luckily I was, quite honestly, too much of a coward to do it. Thank God for cowardice, at least in that example.

I didn't know how to live. I didn't. I just knew that death was in front of me. If I continued down this road it would mean death. I would either drink myself to death, drug myself to death or I'd kill myself, because there was just nothing in my future and I couldn't find happiness. It seemed as though all truth was nothing more than a lie. It's amazing how insidious darkness is. It's amazing how we can play on you. It's amazing how distracted you can become.

I just looked up at my monitors here in my studio and I see the headlines Trump facing 30 counts related to business fraud and they're speaking about it on CNN "Trump indictment - stuns Nations" as Fox News "Donald Trump indicted" says, MSNBC and Senator Warren is on CNBC, "We need to hold those failed Bank CEOs accountable".

Do you remember the movie The Ten Commandments? Do you remember they were free, people were free. God freed them and then the minute they were at the the Red Sea. You remember Edward G Robinson and he's like, "Yeah see, I told you this was bad. See, where's your Moses now?" and he immediately stands up and says, "See this guy led you to death." and Moses, I can't, I mean I can't even begin to understand I'm Charlton Heston said, "Behold the hand of God." That's not really what happened. He didn't stand there on that cliff. He went down to the water had to walk in into the water first. His back was up against the wall he had to take the step and stand in the water and while the people were condemning him.

God moved because of his faith and then as soon as, as soon as they get across the water you know he goes up to the mountain and he gets the Ten Commandments. I mean, you know, it took what 40 days and they were like, ah, we've Gotta Have orgies and we have to build a golden calf. Good God Edward G Robinson, "I'll be your leadership." They worshiped the things their hands had made how many of us are worshiping the things our hands have made.

How many of us are looking at our phone all the time? Technology has now become our god. Money has become our god. I'm here in Dallas, in sound proof studios and I just heard the thunder outside. How appropriate.

Today is a turning point. Today, this microphone in front of me, a device that I've had in front of me for almost 50 years is unforgiving. There's a lot inside of me today and I am no different than you. I've had enough. I've had enough. You know, I don't know about you, but I, I mean, I see, I've been watching this this slow motion car wreck, this train headed towards us for 20 years. We've been crossing the Atlantic in very slow motion and the engines were on full speed and the captain at night is like, "Keep those engines going! Let's make record time! We can do it!" and when the ship was in port it was on fire there was a coal Fire down at the furnaces and it wasn't in the furnace. It was the coal pile that was on fire well. It burned it up fast. "We can make it! This ship is unsinkable!" and I've had 20 years to count the lifeboats.

I have 20 years telling people, "Hey, maybe you shouldn't be playing shuffleboard right now there's trouble anybody want to send a Western Union Telegraph maybe early, when all the other ships have their telegraphs on. We are, we are at the iceberg and the reason why this happening to Donald Trump is because they need you they need you to Riot, to burn, to shoot, to target. They need that because everything is about to collapse and it can't be blamed on them because they're the ones who are going to say to the rest of the world, "See this is what happens this is what happens when you let free people be free." That's why we've got to put a lid on it!

Instead of the rest of the world looking at the elites, all those with answers and say, "Look what you have done you have collapsed our economy you and your expert advice have devalued the dollar. You and your experts have taken the greatest nation to ever bless the earth and flush it down the toilet. We are no longer a superpower and they need you for cover.

Pray for your country like you've never prayed before! Pray that every single American that sits behind one of these (broadcast microphones) today understands the gravity of their words.

Lord may you humble all of us in these days. I'd prefer you know, kind of a gentle reminder, but if it takes "Behold the Hand of God" we will take that as well, but humble us Lord. May we turn back to You."

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