Sean Feucht and CAMP ELAH Is Shaking Washington D.C. Up For Jesus!

brandonharder campelah holdtheline jesusislord kristinaharder letusworship seanfeucht washingtondc Apr 06, 2023

For over 10 years God had planted a young couple in Washington D.C to do His work. Brandon and Kristina Harder are being used by God to shake the Capital of the United States for Jesus by bringing D.C. Staff members together for weekly prayer breakfasts. Brandon is currently the Chief of Staff for Rep. Tracy Mann from Kansas. Here how "CAMP ELAH" came about in his words:


Brandon and Kristina Harder share the behind the scenes impacts God is having on the D.C. Congressional staff whose average age is 25 as they lead weekly prayer breakfast.


October 22nd, 2021 Sean Feucht held a Let Us Worship Rally in Washington D.C. as his team worshiped and prayed for the Spirit of God to break strongholds over our nation. It was worship and prayer events like this in D.C. that broke through the spiritual strongholds preparing the way for the work of God.


June 28th, 2022, the day after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade and threw the decisions back to the state legislators. Sean Feucht and the Let Us Worship team were there.


November 6th, 2022 Sean Feucht returned to Washington D.C. to worship and pray over the mid-term elections with the Let Us Worship team.


 2023-03-10 Sean Feucht worships and prays in the the US Capital Rotunda


2023-03-16 Congresswoman Lauren Boebert powerfully prays in the Capital Rotunda with Sean Feucht. God is breaking ever chain over our nation.


Follow Sean Feucht and the Let Us Worship team as the Hold the Line for Jesus!
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