Sheila Walsh Discusses Prayer, God's Will and the Holy Spirit

baptizedintheholyspirit clinicaldepression godanswersprayer godneverfails holyspirit jesussaves overcomingdepression sheilawalsh Mar 29, 2023

Sheila Walsh's life saw a rise to success in her Christian music career in the early 80's from the struggles of family poverty and the tragedy of her father committing suicide when she was a 5 years old little girl. Later in life she experienced clinical depression that has enabled her develop a closer walk with Jesus.  Here are several videos that will help you to connect to her message and current ministry serving those that are mentally struggling as a Christian. As she says on boldly on her website, "Okay doesn't live here, but Jesus does."


Sheila Walsh, "Depression almost took my life."


Sheila Walsh shares the importance of prayer. What is Prayer? Why pray? God answers prayer.


Follow Sheila Walsh on her podcast, "God Is For You" to purchase her book resources to build your mental strength and relationship to Jesus.

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