Worship Leader & Songwriter John Weeded Emergency Lung Transplant GoFundMe Established

broken easter2023 godofmiracles jacksonville jesussaves johnweeden lungtransplant mayoclinic orlando prayforjohnweeden resurection Apr 11, 2023

2023-04-11 Written by RedeemedLegacy.com Co-Founder Todd Catella

My friend John Weeden is a worship leader, songwriter, music producer, and committed Christ Follower. We have been on the Discovery Church Orlando worship team together for years in the past. He plays multiple instruments, mainly piano, guitar and sings on the worship team. In 2022 he sang and produced this song, Broken, under the Rhymes With Sweden name on YouTube.

This song tells the story of Jesus from His crucifixion to His Resurrection which is a perfect Easter Sunday Song.

I encourage you to listen with an open heart before moving further down in this post so you are able to focus on the lyrics. He is singing, playing guitar, piano and drums in this video.

2023 for John has brought a difficult health battle. You see, he needs a lung transplant and now is in ICU in Orlando with the medical staff, friends and family praying for a miracle. Those who care to follow his journey can follow his Caringbridge Journal and learn more about John on his Facebook page at @johnweeden 

John married his lovely wife Andrea a couple years ago who is an ICU nurse. Andrea has fought health battles for families as a medical professional, encouraging and giving the Hope we have in Jesus to their family emergencies. Now it is her family's battle to fight as she prays for her loving husband John.

John and Andrea's family and friends are praying and interceding with Andrea on John's behalf asking God for John to be given the opportunity to live another season of life so he give of himself in his testimony for Jesus.

It would truly be a medical miracle for all the circumstances to come together for John to be able to get his life saving lung transplant. When you consider all the things that has to go just right, including a matching lung and kidney donor and the safe transport from Orlando to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville via a Medical Life Airlift. We stand hopeful in our Faith knowing God is in control of all things and He can bring miracles for His glory.

(Click photo below to go to John Weeden's Rhymes With Weeden YouTube channel)

If you care to donate to John and Andrea to help with their medical expenses up you can go to the Weeden Family Emergency Transplant Support GoFundMe site organized by a family friend who is authorized by Andrea to do this on her behalf.

Follow the family updates on John at Caringbridge.org.
Note: Donations to Caringbridge have already been made to support this communication tool on behalf of the family and no donations on that site go to help the family at this difficult time or to John for his medical needs, it only supports the website platform, so please donate via the GoFundMe Emergency Transplant site.

Thank you for your prayers and support of the Weeden family at this time. We join together In Jesus Name.

Todd Catella

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