Having Hope in the Storm - Prayer, Praise, Speaking In Jesus Name!

godneverfails godspromises injesusname jesusislord praise prayer speakgodsword thecross Apr 12, 2023

There is no doubt that Satan wants us to be defeated. He hates anything on earth that reflects the image of God. Therefore, when we have made a decision to follow Jesus and have surrendered our self-centered, "I am my own god" life who is following "my own truth" at the cross, then we have made ourselves an enemy of all the demons on earth.

What do we do when we face such an adversary? Can we face him alone without Jesus, without the Power and Authority in His Name? Do we go off silently and pray the conflict goes away? Do we take things in our own hands and fight our enemy in our own strength and personality? Can we as sinners defeat the father of all sin in the world? Will we live a life without persecution, trials and struggles?

The Truth is, we walk under the Authority in Jesus Name and it is by His Blood we are cleansed of all unrighteousness. We are not good enough and can never be good enough to be right standing before God without Jesus. It is by Grace we are Saved and by His stripes we are healed. He took the sins of the world on His back, was nailed to the cross, died, was buried and rose again on the third day according to the prophesies written in Old Testament scripture. He Is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. We walk, speak and live by God's loving grace who sent His only Son to be the living sacrifice for our sins that we may be restored into a relationship through Him. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our Advocate, our comforter and guide walking with us through life.

That is worth praising Jesus for. That is worth thanking Him for. That is worth entrusting our lives into His hands for. That is worth following Him for. Jesus Is Our Salvation!

So when Satan comes at you to take away your joy, remind him of whose you are. Remind him that by the blood of Jesus you are redeemed. By His stripes you are healed. By the word of your testimony you proclaim Jesus Is Lord over all things. Remind him that He is the father of all lies and that you Choose to Believe what God says about who you are. You walk in the Authority in the Name of Jesus in all things in your life and he has no authority over you as you have been "Bought with a Price". God has an investment in you that He will never turn His back on. Therefore, BE GONE In the Name of Jesus! 

Sing these praise choruses with all that is with in you. Jesus Is Lord!





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