Dennis Prager & Kirk Cameron - Our Education System Is Failing America

americanchurch communism dennisprager foundingfathers freedom kirkcameron socialism theconstitution Mar 28, 2023

Dennis Prager of Prager University (PragerU) educates us with with logic and reason. His voice in America today justifies why we need God, the Bible, reason, logic and common sense which produces a solid moral character. His teaching resists the Left, socialism and a WOKE Cancel Culture. He may me soft spoken, but, his values produce a rock solid foundation we can build on.


Dennis Prager's Fireside Chat #272 Who are we morally accountable to ourselves or God?


Dennis Prager Fireside Chat # 278 Every tyrannical regime used fear to control its subject - because that’s the only way people will willingly give up their freedom. Do you allow fear to direct your decisions or are you a Freedom Fighter for your individual God given, Constitutionally protected Rights?


You can find Dennis Prager's Rational Bible Series here:


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