Life Begins After the Cross - I Was Blind, Now I See

jesusdiedforus thecross Apr 07, 2023

As we reflect on Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified on the cross, we recall religious leaders of His day turned Him over to the governmental authorities to execute Him for what they proclaimed was blasphemy to their interpretation of the old testament scriptures, He had the audacity to proclaim He was the Son of God. He spoke the Truth as prophesized in the scriptures, but their desire to maintain their power blinded them to the Spirit in God's Word.

God gave many prophesies over hundreds of years that pointed to the coming Messiah. Jesus fulfilled every one of them down to the last letter of the law, again, something the religious leaders of the day did not see because of their religious prejudice. Never the less, this all happened according to the prophetic written scriptures.

Passion City - The Cross


Sandi Patti - Via Delorosa is a moving lyric telling of the tourchured walk Jesus took as He was scurged by the Religious Jews of the day. Warning: This video is graphic, however, do we really connect to the sacrifice Jesus, the Lamb of God made to redeem us from our sin and restore our relationship through Him to His Father, our God.


St. Stephen Church Good Friday Video


Thank you Jesus for all you have sacrificed to restore our relationship to God, Your Father. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to walk with us every day. We look forward to being with you through eternity and we praise you and look to you every day of our lives until that day comes. Amen.

We look forward to Sunday morning when we can then say, "He Is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed!"

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