Easter 2023 - He Is Risen - Remembrances in Music

charliedaniels davidphelps donfrancisco easter2023 eastersong guypenrod heisrisen jesussaves keithgreen ourredeemerlives redeemedlegacy thechosen tiffanycoburn Apr 09, 2023

There are two primary holidays Americans go to church, Christmas and Easter. For the most part, our nation has forgotten God, ignored God, decided to become their own gods with their own "truth" who do not want to answer to God's authority. This goes beyond questioning authority. It is a war on Biblical values. 

Americans like Easter egg hunts, Easter candy, the Easter Bunny. They celebrate Spring with vibrant colors and flowery images. They celebrate community gatherings in "churches" that have gone WOKE in their denominations across our land. It is far easier to appear Christian in worldly social gatherings as long as there is not an adherence to "The Word of God" and its teachings. God forbid that we "Come to the Cross" and "Repent" from our "Sins" as God's Word instructs us to.

With all that said, there is an awakening that is taking place, a desire to come back to the Absolute Truth as outlined in God's Word. There is a desire for holiness, purity, stability, wholeness that is birthed deep in the Spirit of each of us.

We see on college campuses rumors of the outbreak of spontaneous prayer that does not want to end. The older generation that experienced the Jesus Revolution of the late into the mid-1970's are praying for a Jesus Revolution 2.0 in this generation 50 years later.

The release of the Jesus Revolution Movie in theaters on Ash Wednesday 2023 was preceded by the Asbury College Revival and other college campuses across the nation have been joining in. Sean Feucht has been going around the nation with his Let Us Worship / Hold the Line outdoor worship and prayer events that are also available to view online is making an impact on our young people. Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA Faith events is encouraging young people to be engaged as activist for religious freedom and conservative Biblical family values opposing the gender confusion the left is to pushing. Young people support acknowledging the Truth that God created us in His image as male and female, boys and girls with no gender confusion. There is hope for Jesus as our nation pushes quickly towards hell in a hand basket. We need to turn away from distractions and focus on getting our lives right with God.

Come to Jesus just as you are for He is the only answer to the struggles we face every day. We are to surrender our lives at the feet of the cross, pray, and turn from our evil self-centered ways where we are our gods of our own making, our own truth. Jesus Is Lord Over All Things. He brings Eternal Life as our reward.

Remember, as you ponder your Easter Celebrations with family and friends, Jesus Saves. He died, was buried and rose again on the third day as our Living Savior who sent the Holy Spirit to be our advocate and comforter along our life journey.

Here is some music videos that celebrate Our Lord, Jesus Christ victory over death.

Keith Green - Easter Song - Greatest Hits Album (1982)

Keith Green - Easter Song Live from the Daisy Club in LA (1982)


Tiffany Colburn - The Easter Song (Official Lyric Video) March 6, 2019


Don Francisco - He's Alive (Lyrics) tells the story of Resurrection Sunday from the perspective of the apostles who had just lost the man who they believed in as the Son of God. The emotional struggle was real. Never had any one in history been raised from the dead, so there was no way for them to know He, as God, was actually performing one more miracle just as He said he would. You can feel the celebration of the victory over death when they saw Jesus that morning. 

Matthew 12:38-40 'Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. '  https://my.bible.com/bible/59/MAT.12.38-40


David Phelps version of He's Alive song June 22, 2012


 Charlie Daniels version of He's Alive song - April 4, 2016


Guy Penrod - The Came the Morning (Official Live) June 22, 2012


The Chosen has brought the story of the Bible to life. Here is a short you will enjoy. 


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