Jesus Is With You In the Storm - Pastor Michael Todd christianresources godcaresforyou jesusistheanswer michaeltodd tbn turntojesus Jan 30, 2023

Pastor Michael Todd gives and inspiring message of Jesus leading us through the storm. Get out of the boat to follow Him for He is with you. 


James 1:2-6 'My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be...

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God Is In Your Story! Stand On His Promises! Be Covered by His Word! christian christianresources godspromises promisesofgod readinggodsword scripturereading worship Jan 27, 2023

God knew you before your were born. He knitted you together in your mother's womb cell by cell and put together your unique DNA that is like no other. God does not make mistakes.


God knows what plans He has for you and will walk with you to see those plans fulfilled. Stay focused on who He says you are and not what others, including your self-doubt, say you are. See yourself as God sees you, in His image.

We pray you receive encouragement from this 3 hour scripture reading of God's...

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Pastor Steven Furtick Interviews Bishop T.D. Jakes "Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power" christianbooks christianresources godistheanswer jesusistheanswer neverforsaken stevenfurtick tdjakes Jan 24, 2023

Bishop T.D. Jakes wrote his book Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power in April 2019, before the COVID19 pandemic hit the world to crush us. God is ready to turn on the power for those who are looking to follow Him.


We all have been crushed from January 2020 through all of 2022. That "crushing" has given God the opportunity for us to be stronger, more reliant on Him and ready for a powerful breakthrough in 2023. This is your year! Give God the room to move and follow Him where He...

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