Pastor Steven Furtick Interviews Bishop T.D. Jakes "Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power"

christianbooks christianresources godistheanswer jesusistheanswer neverforsaken stevenfurtick tdjakes Jan 24, 2023

Bishop T.D. Jakes wrote his book Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power in April 2019, before the COVID19 pandemic hit the world to crush us. God is ready to turn on the power for those who are looking to follow Him.


We all have been crushed from January 2020 through all of 2022. That "crushing" has given God the opportunity for us to be stronger, more reliant on Him and ready for a powerful breakthrough in 2023. This is your year! Give God the room to move and follow Him where He takes you!

You can find his Crushing: God Turns Pressure in Power book, Kindle download or Audiobook on Amazon or go to the T.D. Jakes website for the book and study guide.

Redeemed Legacy is not connected with T.D Jakes Ministries or Pastor Steven Furtick. We are only providing Christian growth resources for our Founding Platform Members to consider.

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