God Is In Your Story! Stand On His Promises! Be Covered by His Word!

christian christianresources godspromises promisesofgod readinggodsword scripturereading worship Jan 27, 2023

God knew you before your were born. He knitted you together in your mother's womb cell by cell and put together your unique DNA that is like no other. God does not make mistakes.


God knows what plans He has for you and will walk with you to see those plans fulfilled. Stay focused on who He says you are and not what others, including your self-doubt, say you are. See yourself as God sees you, in His image.

We pray you receive encouragement from this 3 hour scripture reading of God's Promises, Faith, Peace, Strength in Jesus from the New King James Version.


Redeemed Legacy is providing these videos as a resource to build your Faith so that you will be able to walk firmly in the peace and power in His Name.

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