Dennis Prager & Kirk Cameron - Our Education System Is Failing America americanchurch communism dennisprager foundingfathers freedom kirkcameron socialism theconstitution Mar 28, 2023

Dennis Prager of Prager University (PragerU) educates us with with logic and reason. His voice in America today justifies why we need God, the Bible, reason, logic and common sense which produces a solid moral character. His teaching resists the Left, socialism and a WOKE Cancel Culture. He may me soft spoken, but, his values produce a rock solid foundation we can build on.


Dennis Prager's Fireside Chat #272 Who are we morally accountable to ourselves or God?


Dennis Prager...

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"Is God in the Constitution?" David Barton Reveals the Historical Truth america constitution davidbarton foundersbible foundingfathers wallbuilders Feb 02, 2023

David Barton is America's leading Biblical Constitutional Historian as the founder of WallBuilders. In this video he answers the question, "Is God in the Constitution?"


Purchase your copy of the Founders Bible Digital Edition as an eBook for your phone or tablet which includes the Book of Founders Articles, commentaries, dictionaries and a powerful suite of study tools.

Redeemed Legacy is not associated with David Barton, WallBuilders or The Founders Bible. We are helping our members...

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