Crystal Yates Worship Leader & Songwriter Testimony - "Seed of Faith" Video charitygayle christianmusic covid crystalyates healing worship Jan 29, 2023

Crystal Yates almost died in April 2021 during COVID with an extensive stay in the hospital. This is her testimony of how God met her in her hospital bed to give her peace. The next morning God miraculously sent her a Christian nurse reassignment that walked with her from the brink of death to recovery.


This is the song she wrote along with other song writers after her COVID hospital stay.


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Seed of Faith - Know God Is With You Through the Storms charitygayle christian crystalyates durellcomedy faith lastrother letitrain redeemedlegacy ryankennedy seedoffaith trustinthelord Jan 16, 2023

"Seed of Faith" | Written by Crystal Yates, Charity Gayle, Ryan Kennedy, LA Strother, Durell Comedy



Redeemed Legacy is a member supported online Christian community created to encourage personal growth.


Verse 1
I’m reaching, barely breathing
Do you see me here below?
I believe you, help me see you
I need to know you’re near me Lord

Fear not, I am the Lord your God
And trust, I’m working all things out
So in the field of doubt Plant a seed of...

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