Seed of Faith - Know God Is With You Through the Storms

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"Seed of Faith" | Written by Crystal Yates, Charity Gayle, Ryan Kennedy, LA Strother, Durell Comedy



Redeemed Legacy is a member supported online Christian community created to encourage personal growth.


Verse 1
I’m reaching, barely breathing
Do you see me here below?
I believe you, help me see you
I need to know you’re near me Lord

Fear not, I am the Lord your God
And trust, I’m working all things out
So in the field of doubt Plant a seed of faith
I’ll send the rain

Verse 2
You’re working, I’m growing
In the trial, through the storms
In the waiting, teach me patience
Remind my heart that I’m not alone

Let it rain, Let it rain Things start to change
Bring the rain, bring the rain It won’t stay the same
From glory to glory You’re writing my story
When it rains, when it rains
So let it rain


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