

Free Biblical Citizenship Discussion Group

Join Redeemed Legacy's Biblical Citizenship Discussion Group for FREE as a TPUSA Faith/Patriot Academy course attendee!

What you'll get:

  • A unique online community with like minded Christian Patriots who have a Biblical World View
  • Inspired review of the Biblical Foundation of our American Constitution
  • Challenge one another as we research the references in the TPUSA Faith/Patriot Academy Biblical Citizenship in Modern America course
  • Share inspirations God gives you as Actions Items you can take within your community
  • Pray for one another on your Christian walk to fulfill God's Purpose in your lives.

Access to the FREE Redeemed Biblical Citizenship Discussion Group is offered to those who attend the TPSUA Faith/Patriot Academy online or on-site classes hosted by Todd Catella.

Joining this group also gives you the opportunity to Subscribe to our email list by checking the box to opt-in.