Redeemed Legacy LLC Policies

Updated 01/16/2024


Section Title: Membership Core Values

  • Redeemed is a member supported online Christian Community whose core values are supported by the Bible Truth that God created us in His image.
  • God created us male and female without gender variations. We do not and will not support the WOKE Cancel Culture agenda. Founding Platform Members (FPM) agree to this founding Biblical principle as a condition of their membership.
  • We believe God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to establish a personal relationship with us. We choose to accept that relationship of our own free will for it is by grace that we are saved.
  • As Christ Followers, we are reprioritizing our lives and renewing our mind to be guided by the teaching of God's Inspired Word, the Bible, and are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to establish His Redeemed Legacy in our lives, for ourselves, our children and our children's children.
  • We are Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Parental Rights for God has given our children into our care to raise them to know who He is as we help them to understand His love for them now and throughout their lives.

Section Title: Cancelations and Refunds

  • Redeemed Legacy is a Founding Platform Member Sponsored online community. That membership can be canceled at anytime to avoid future recurring charges.
  • No refunds on the current billing cycle will be given for any monthly memberships.
  • A 10 day cancelation notice on 6-month or annual memberships is required to qualify for a refund on those memberships. Refunds can be given as a pro-rated amount for the months used, including the current month that has been pre-paid. A 10% processing fee to cover both the original purchase and refund credit card transaction fees will be deducted in calculating the refundable balance.


Section Title: Privacy

  • Redeemed Legacy does not sell the contact information collected by our website. 
  • Any posts in community forums are public to the Christian Community Platform Membership are used to encourage personal growth and are not to be used to socially shame another member. We all have areas God is working in our lives.
  • Community Calls may be recorded for community members to learn from and be encouraged with at a time that better fits their lifestyle. Members participating in those calls are given notice before the recording begins and when it ends. No expectation of privacy during these public calls should be expected as whatever a member brings to the group is considered public knowledge. 
  • We are a community that will pray for one another. Keep your conversations positive and supportive, even when holding one another accountable. We rely on the Holy Spirit to lead our discussions, whether in writing or in community calls for Jesus is at the center of our personal growth together.
  • Redeemed Legacy LLC is not a professional counseling service. We encourage those who desire a one-on-one professional counselor to reach out to your local Bible believing church. Not all churches are the same, so we pray you seek your counseling decision with the prayer support of family and friends which is what our community can support you with, prayer and intercession.

Hosted Communities:

  • Redeemed Legacy LLC has invited a few like minded friends to bring their content ideas to the Redeemed Legacy platform in support of their market ideas.
  • Free Access to Hosted Communities will have limited time access to their Circles or Introductory Courses. The intent is to help build market leads into their Paid Hosted Community Circle or Course offerings.
  • Following the Free Access Trial period to a Hosted Community as agreed to with that partner, a Redeemed Legacy Founding Platform Membership (FPM) at $7.99 a month will be required to continue access to their community. We are a business with expenses that are supported by our FPM membership. 
  • No 6-month or Annual membership discounts are available to Paid Hosted Community access.
  • Hosted Community Creators are responsible for their content and Moderation of their Circles within their community. Failure to do so will be justification for the removal of access to their Circle or Course and the cancelation of their Hosted Community.
  • Redeemed Legacy LLC is the owner of the contact information given when registering for Host Communities and may email those contacts for additional product offerings.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, community concerns or comments about the Redeemed Legacy LLC Christian Community Platform, you can contact us here: