Jesus Is With You In the Storm - Pastor Michael Todd christianresources godcaresforyou jesusistheanswer michaeltodd tbn turntojesus Jan 30, 2023

Pastor Michael Todd gives and inspiring message of Jesus leading us through the storm. Get out of the boat to follow Him for He is with you. 


James 1:2-6 'My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be...

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Pastor Robert Morris, Priscilla Shirer and Michael Todd Discuss Hearing God's Voice bible listeningtogod michaeltodd pastorrobermorris priscillashirer readinggodsword Jan 25, 2023

God still speaks today! Pastor Robert Morris, Priscilla Shirer and Michael Todd's messages share the ways we build a closer relationship to Him. It starts with time reading His Word.


Redeemed Legacy is not connected with TBN or the guest speakers. We are directing you to this resource for personal Christian growth. 


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Pastor Michael Todd Asks "Who is Really in Control?" christian faith gatewaychurchtv michaeltodd pastormicheltodd redeemedlegacy Jan 12, 2023

Pastor Michael Todd delivers a powerful message that challenges us to ask, "Who Is Really in Control?" at the Gateway Church 2023 First Conference.

We pray you receive a Word from God in Pastor Michael Todd's message.

You can purchase Pastor Michael Todd's 2022 Bible Study & Streaming Video "Crazy Faith: It's Only Crazy Until it Happens" on Amazon. 

Redeemed Legacy is not associated with Gateway Church or with Pastor Michael Todd's Bible Study Guide. We are simply providing you...

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