Sean Feucht - Let Us Worship - Hold The Line - Jesus Revolution 2.0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 holdtheline jesusrevolution jesusrevolution2 letusworship revivalinamerica seanfeucht Mar 27, 2023

Sean Feucht is the son of missionaries and a Christian songwriter/worship leader who burst on the national scene after he ran for Congress in California's District 3 (San Francisco) and lost on November 3rd, 2020, the year of COVID19 lockdowns. Sean refused to allow California Governor Newsom to silence the church with lockdowns, which birthed the "Let Us Worship" movement taking worship of God and Jesus boldly to outdoor non-traditional venues like the bridge over San Francisco. Today the...

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Can America Have a 2nd Jesus Revolution? greglaurie harvestcommunitychurch jesus jesusrevolution jesusrevolution2 jesusrevolutionmovie prayforrevival redeemedlegacy revival Feb 25, 2023

Christians throughout America are praying for revival in our nation. Some ask, "Can we have revival in our time with all that is going on in our culture today?"

Here is Pastor Greg Laurie's recent message addressing this question:


Read more about the True Jesus Revolution to experience your personal Jesus Revolution!

Pastor Greg Laurie and his wife Cathie are main characters in the Jesus Revolution movie which tells their love story and journey as high school students seeking...

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