God's Promises #5 Scripture Reading with Bible.com Transcript Links (24-30) godcaresforyou godspromises godswordistruth jesusbringsvictory jesussaveslives meditateontheword redeemedlegacy renewyourmind wordofgod Mar 05, 2023

Rivers In The Desert YouTube Channel is worth subscribing to for relaxing music with scripture reading to sooth your mind, soul and Spirit. In this post we have looked up the verses from minute 24 to 30 from the God's Promises video which is read in the NIV (New International Version). You will find the Bible.com links in this post for you to read, explore and think about.

Click image to go to play this YouTube video 
This week start the video at 24:05 to listen to the...

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Jesus Is With You In the Storm - Pastor Michael Todd christianresources godcaresforyou jesusistheanswer michaeltodd tbn turntojesus Jan 30, 2023

Pastor Michael Todd gives and inspiring message of Jesus leading us through the storm. Get out of the boat to follow Him for He is with you. 


James 1:2-6 'My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be...

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Pastor Samuel Rodriguez message "Your Mess, God's Miracle" gatewaychurchtv godcaresforyou jesusistheanswer pastorsamuelrodriguez redeemedlegacy yourmessgodsmiracle Jan 09, 2023

On Saturday, January 8th, 2022, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez gave an inspiring message about God taking your mess to bring His miracles to open Gateway Church's 2023 First Conference. 

You are going to be blesses by Pastor Samuel Rodriguez message:

You can pre-order Pastor Samuel Rodriguez's new book "Your Mess, God's Miracle - The Process is Temporary, the Promise is Permanent" on Amazon today! 

Redeemed Legacy is not associated with Gateway Church. We simply want you to have access to...

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