2023 Worship Defines The Church

alandidio christianmusic encountertoday godswordistruth jesusislord kingofkings mattgilman melodynoel redeemedlegacy worship Feb 10, 2023

In this interview Bishop Alan DiDio of Encounter Today talks with two leading worship leaders and song writers, Melody Noel and Deborah Hong. They proclaim the Truth of God's Word as they write songs that lead us to Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Today's Christian songwriters are faced with the decision to serve God or serve culture!

Follow Influence Music  and listen to Melody Noel's recent release "Nobody Leaves the Same"


This is what today's worship before the Lord should look like. A bowing before the Throne of God Worshiping Jesus.  Glory, Honor, Power | Influence Music, Melody Noel & Matt Gilman


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