Sue Thomas F.B. Eye Story Inspires Faith in Jesus!

christian faith godsgrace jesussaves redeemedlegacy suethomas testimony Jan 03, 2023

Sue Thomas has an incredible story of overcoming deafness and being used by God to reach millions by the time of her passing into Jesus arms.  Sue Thomas went to be with Jesus on December 13th, 2022. She should be remembered as a Champion of the Christian Faith.

This short interview was posted on YouTube on December 19th, 2022. 

This next video is Sue Thomas telling her story in a 2 hour testimony that was recorded in 2012. Take the time to watch it in a quiet setting away from distractions to allow God to speak encouragement to your heart.

Remember, Sue Thomas is deaf, yet God enabled her to develop the ability to communicate verbally. What a testimony for Christ!

God used Sue Thomas's infirmity for His Glory, but it took years into her adulthood, when she came to Christ, before she would surrender the anger she had towards Him. She questioned why God would burden her with the adversity of deafness. She was an angry young adult determined to face Him down in seminary to get answers. Little did she know God was preparing her to take the message of His love, grace and salvation to the world.

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