2001-09 Vision of Revival - Dutch Sheets & Let Us Worship - Sean Feucht

dutchsheets holdtheline letusworship redeemedlegacy revival savingageneration seanfeucht superspreader Feb 01, 2023

A week after September 11th,  2001 Dutch Sheets attended a Christian conference with 1,500 people who were praying for God to move on behalf of America. The Spirit of God was intense when Dutch was stopped in the middle of his message to tell the crowd the prophetic vision God was giving him at that moment. On January 24th, 2023 he shared that prophetic vision again.


When you consider the direction America has over the past 22 years you wonder, God where are you as the enemy of the Gospel, the enemy of the Church is attacking us at every turn. Many ask, "Where is God? Where is His people? Why are we losing ground for a generation? Is God judging America for the silence of the church or for the attempt of the church to reflect the world" 

There is a radical call from our youth to experience a Real Jesus. May He pour out the Holy Spirit in a mighty way. In a way that shakes our nation with fire of Holiness, Power and Truth.

Sean Feucht is fighting the fight of faith for our nation and the world with his "Let Us Worship", "Hold the Line" worship events across America. He is the inspiration of the the movie, "SUPERSPREADER" that is planting the Seed of Faith in this generation.

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