Christian Persecution in a "WOKE World Culture" - We Stand In Jesus Name!

antichrist biblicalworldview christianvalues faithinaction globalism jackhibbs pastorjackhibbs reallife tpusa tpusafaith woke wokeculture worldeconomicforum Mar 12, 2023

Pastor Jack Hibbs interviewed Public School Teacher Jessica Tapia who was being challenged and bullied to conform to a WOKE agenda which countered her Christian Faith. 


Christians cannot afford to be silent in today's society. We are in America, where our views are protected by our Biblically founded Constitution. Satan does not care if you are a silent Christian for your representation of God's world view has no effect. We have to proclaim the image of God boldly in all we do! Be the salt and the light for the Glory of God.

Pastor Jack Hibbs - Real Live Podcast: No More Religious Rules

Pastor Jack Hibbs "Happening Now" 90-minute Interview with Charlie Kirk of TPUSA & TPUSA Faith discusses the narrative battle we have in this generation as they talk about the Tower of Babel, then and now. (Genesis 11).


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