Pastor Greg Laurie's Restored Relationship to His Dad Was A Redeemed Legacy

adoption greglaurie jesusrevolution jesussaves oscarlaurie pastorgreglaurie redeemedlegacy Mar 08, 2023

Those of you who have seen the Jesus Revolution Movie know the emotional trauma Greg Laurie experienced as his mother fought her own demons of alcohol and relational rejections that led to seven failed marriages. Her first marriage was to Oscar Laurie, a lawyer who adopted Greg as a young boy. Greg's mom was left the only father figure he knew which broke his heart. Greg's relationship to Oscar was restored years after accepting Jesus. Here he tells the story of how he led his Dad to Jesus fulfilling God's Redeemed Legacy for his family.


Whatever happened to Pastor Greg Laurie's Mother? Did she ever accept Jesus?

Seven years ago Pastor Greg Laurie taught a message, " Why does God allow trials in the life of a Believer?" 

Follow Pastor Greg Laurie on YouTube for more inspiring messages.


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