Pastor Derwin L. Gray Author of "How to Heal our Racial Divide"

christian derwingray faith gatewaychurchtv jesussaves racialhealing Jan 15, 2023

Pastor Derwin L. Gray  is a former NFL player who came to Christ and then was led to attend seminary and received his Doctor of Ministry in the New Testament in Context. He and his wife Vicki have been married since 1992 after they met at Brigham Young University where he was a football player. They began "One Heart at a Time Ministries" in 1999. 

You can get his newest book, "How to Heal Our Racial Divide" here:

 Gateway Church First Conference: Derwin Gray


Redeemed Legacy is not affiliated with Gateway Church or Derwin Gray. We are simply providing links to resources that will help in building your Faith Walk with Jesus.

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