Lisa Bevere "God Wants Us to Be Influential, He Hand Picked You for This Time!"

christian faith gatewaychurchtv jesusislord jesussaves lisabevere redeemedlegacy Jan 14, 2023

Lisa Bevere has a special message that will impact your life. One point she made was, "Truth is not a WHAT, it is a WHO."

Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 NKJV

You can get Lisa's 90-Day Devotional Fiercely Loved to "Discover God's Wild Thoughts About You" by here: 


Redeemed Legacy is not affiliated with Gateway Church or Lisa Bevere. We are simply providing links to resources that will help in building your Faith Walk with Jesus.

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