Lifemark Movie - The "I Lived on Parker Avenue" Adoption Story

adoption chooselife givegodachance godloveschildren ilivedonparkeravenue jesussaveslives kendrickbrothers kirtcameron livemark prolife redeemedlegacy Jan 23, 2023

The Lifemark Movie is the true adoption story of David Scotton and the journey God orchestrated to bring him to meet his birth mother, Melissa Hampton. You see adoption from all relationship angles in this heartwarming movie.


 You can discover more of David Scotton and Melissa Hampton's story on their @ILivedonParkerAvenue YouTube Channel. 


Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick Brothers have brought David Scotton's adoption story to us in a way that shows us the life impact choosing life and choosing adoption can make. 

Redeemed Legacy is providing this information for personal Christian growth as we support adoption over abortion to save lives, knowing God can work through the most difficult circumstances for His Glory.

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