Worship Brings Life to the Party! Keep Praise in Your Mouth!!

elevationworship holyspirit injesusname inthenameofjesus jesusbringsvictory overcomer praise waymaker Mar 15, 2023

When the world is falling apart around us we must hold on to the Promises in God's Word! We stand with Faith in the Word of His promise in our mouth. Equally important is to Praise Jesus with our voices to break through the strongholds the enemy. SING PRAISES IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR ENEMY AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL BE WITH YOU TO OVERCOME HIM IN JESUS NAME!

We Speak Jesus in all things!

Pray God's blessing over your family as a Redeemed Legacy for generations.


God is Speaking to the Dry Bones of His Church to Awake to Revival!
Resurrection Day is Coming!



This video was recorded on January 1st, 2020. Who would have known we were about to face the ravages of COVID19 a month later. We must always proclaim Jesus Lord over all things. He is truly the deliverer from every affliction. Many may have left us only to be with Him. There are more struggles coming in 2023-2024 as we face the economic downturn of a generation.

"Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness, That is Who You Are" - the enemy that says anything else is a liar. Jesus Is who He says He Is, the Son of the Living God!


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