Jesus Revolution Movie Review

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2022-02-24 is the movie release of the Jesus Revolution movie. It is highly recommended across America as a spark of Revival Fire for a new generation. It is the story of Pastor Chuck Smith and free spirited Jesus Freak Hippie Lonnie Frisbee's Jesus revival effect from 1969-1971 that ignited a generation. This is our review of the pre-release on Wednesday February 22nd, 2023,

Ash Wednesday that started the 40 day Lent season going into Resurrection Sunday. The official release of Jesus Revolution Movie opens today, February 24th, 2023! Get your tickets here: 

Pastor Greg Laurie and his wife Cathie are the founders of Harvest Community Church who came to Jesus in 1970 under the impact of the Jesus Revolution in California.

Here is Todd's Movie Review (Co-Founder of


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