Lionsgate Christian Movie Release "Jesus Revolution" Greg & Cathie Laurie's Love Story for Jesus

1970 calvarychapel feb24th greglaurie jesus jesusmovement jesusrevolutionmovie kirkcameron lionsgate Feb 21, 2023

Jesus Revolution tells the love story of Greg and Cathie Laurie as they came to know Jesus. Their journey along with many others created an impact of God's Spirit to a generation that was seeking God in the early 1970's. They bridged the gap of conveying the Truth of God's Word to a generation hungry to know Him. Buy your tickets today and see the movie with friends!


Kirk Cameron interviews Greg Laurie on TBN

We need a personal revival of our Faith as we follow God's plans for our lives. 

Get your tickets to Jesus Revolution that opens early in theaters February 22nd with the 2700 theater opening on Friday February 24th 

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