The Moral Authority of God's Word in Society

benshapiro biblicalworldview christian iamgod jesusislord johnmaccarther redeemedlegacy Jan 02, 2023

On December 2nd, 2018 Pastor John MacArthur and Ben Shapiro on his Sunday Special Ep. 29 discussed Moral Authority in society. 

As Christians, we desire for our lives to be guided by the Word of God as our moral conscience led by the written Word of God, the Bible, and the leading of Holy Spirit which aligns with God's written Word.

Although there are other moral guidelines in society, when God's Word and His authority is not the stated foundation of those guidelines the world view of being your own authority, your own god, comes into play. It then becomes your "truth" is not absolute, therefore it has no effect or authority on "my truth". 

This has brought us to many policy and social battles over who's world view is right. God's Word or a self-directed, I am god world view. We need a Revival in America, a turning back to Jesus who is The Truth and The Answer that will save us.



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