God Sees You and Your Redeemed Legacy

bibletruth godofthebible godseesyou godslegacyinyou jesussaves kathieleegifford nicolecmullens redeemedlegacy rockroadrabbi Feb 06, 2023

Kathie Lee Gifford and Nicole C. Mullen join forces to tell the story of God working through Hagar, Ruth, David, Mary as He fulfilled His redeeming path for us in the lineage that led to Jesus and now to you. Find a quiet place as you allow the inspiration of these lyrics speak to you.


God inspires the creative forces of Kathie Lee Gifford, Nicole C. Mullens and Sal Oleveri in a one take recording that became the final product. Add some orchestrations and a video trip to Israel and there you go...Amazing!
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What Spiritual Gifts do you have? What special God given talents do you have? How are you naturally wired and fulfilled? What thing do you do for others that truly bring the best out in you? Who has God surrounded you with to see His greater plans fulfilled? You have a Redeemed Legacy to live because you accepted His Son, Jesus and have opened your hear to receive the Holy Spirit to guide you every day. We live for Jesus, we move by the Holy Spirit's leading and we stand on the Word of God in all that we do, in Jesus Name.

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