It's Official!! Redeemed launched Dec. 9th, 2022

christian conservative faith jesusislord jesussaves redeemedlegacy religiousliberty Dec 09, 2022

We're Todd & Shirley,
Co-Founders of 

On October 11th, 2022 Shirley and I celebrated 40 years of marriage.  We are the parents of four adult children and four grandchildren who are the next generations of our Redeemed Legacy story. 

As young parents, we saw social and educational influences that concerned us as we wanted to raise our children knowing God's plan for their lives. We decided to commit to homeschooling our children in 1993 before it was fashionable to do so. Shirley had a 2 & 3 year old running around. When the younger two were of school age she was homeschooling all four of them. There were outside activities and church activities so they were not missing out socially. 

Our kids are adults today who maintain their faith in God. They are the Redeemed Legacy for Shirley and I and of the generations before us.

Today we are in a new season where we believe God has given us the vision to create a Christ Centered Faith Based Online Platform for Believers to have community support.

On July 30th, 2022 we attended a Life Surge event at Calvary Orlando. That led us to the Income Surge event on Memorial Day Weekend where Shane Sams was teaching Christians in Central Florida how to start an online business using the Flipped Lifestyle Blueprint. 

One of the teaching exercises Shane gave that weekend was identifying what you know, what you are passionate about and how you can serve others with the ideas, gifts and abilities God has gifted you with.

For years Shirley and I have been passionate about our Christian Faith and defending our right to have a voice for family values that God gives in the Bible. We believe God when He says He created us for a purpose, His purpose.

This is a business, not a non-profit ministry, so you, as a Founding Platform Members and those who choose to participate in Enhanced Platform Memberships (EPM) communities, will have the ability to communicate Biblical family values in a community without concerns many non-profits have with losing their tax status.

Biblical values, family values, and community that encourages our faith with one another is the goal of the Redeemed community.

We encourage you to join us as we see how far God takes this vision in 2023 and beyond!

Todd & Shirley Catella

Become a Founding Platform Member (FPM) today for only $7.99 a month!

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