Benham Brothers: Standing Strong for Your Faith in a Cancel Culture World

beautyinbattle benhambrothers cancelculture christianity christianvalues davidbenham faithinaction faithstillmovesmountains jasonbenham jesussaves marriage Mar 13, 2023

David & Jason Benham are twin brothers who stand strong for their Christian Faith in all they do. They are often key speakers of Life Surge events throughout America, encouraging Christians to pursue the dreams God gives them.

In this TBN interview with Kirk Cameron they tell the back story about getting canceled from HGTV just as they were getting started with their "Flip It Forward" TV series under the pressure on the network from LGBTQ WOKE activist in 2014. They understood at that point that God wanted them to stand even stronger for their faith in Jesus Christ encouraging others to be all God created them to become, whatever the cost!

David and Jason Benham Share Their Faith with Boldness on Focus with the Family

 Jason and Tori Benham share their marriage testimony. Fighting the Spiritual Battle for Our Marriages is a priority we have to take as they provide their book, "Beauty in Battle: Winning in Marriage by Waging a War" with tips on building strong Christian marriages.

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