Asbury Chapel and the Jesus Revolution movie - God Is Calling You 2023!

Mar 01, 2023

Movie Producer and Director Alex Kendrick visited his kids at Lee College and checked out the Asbury Chapel move of the Holy Spirit for a few hours. He also had praise for the Jesus Revolution Movie from a competitor movie writer and director, John Irwin. His comments are very balanced and articulate for us to stay open to the God's Spirit moving in people's lives. 


Buy your tickets today to see the Jesus Revolution in theaters everywhere!
See what all the talk is about for yourself this weekend! You just might experience a Jesus Revolution for yourself and the friends you bring with you!


Pastor Greg Laurie talks "Jesus Revolution" with Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus in "The Chosen" and who plays Lonnie Frisbee in Jesus Revolution and movie writer and director, John Irwin who worked for 7 years to get this movie made for such a time as this.


Meet the actors, writers, directors and Pastor Greg & Cathie Laurie whose story is told in the Jesus Revolution.


Pastor Greg Laurie discusses how Pastor Chuck Smith put a down payment on a church to reach young people in 1972 for him to study and preach at age 18.


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