50th Anniversary of March for Life in D.C. - There's no such thing as Unplanned!

abbyjohnson america jonathanroumie marchforlife marchforlife2023 matthewwest prolife thechosen unplannedthemovie Jan 22, 2023

Redeemed Legacy is a Founding Platform Member (FPM) supported Christian Community that is Pro-Life! Here is the 50th Anniversary March for Life time lapse from Friday.

3 years ago the movie "Unplanned" was released telling the story of Abby Johnson. This is Matthew West music video with movie scene highlights. 

Official "Unplanned" Movie trailer telling Abby Johnson's story

Actor, director, and producer,  Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the TV Series "The Chosen" speaks to the 50th Anniversary March for Life crowd.

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