Skillet's John & Korey Cooper - Rebelling Against the Power of the Enemy

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The Christian Rock Band Skillet's lead vocalist John and Korey Cooper are fighting Spiritual Warfare in a very unique way. You need to get to know who they are to connect their heart for Jesus in serving a younger generation who are screaming for Truth.


 Skillet - Refuge (Official Lyric Video) Released Dec. 10, 2021 has 1.26 million views


Those who know Skillet relate to their hard hitting Christian Rock style to reach a generation with the Truth of Jesus. We are in a Spiritual War for our minds, thoughts and hearing God's voice. This style music may not be for everyone, however, Skillet bridges the world music scene and brings kids to Christ.


Order Awake & Alive to Truth: Finding Truth in the Chaos of a Relativistic World on Amazon

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